1. Welding workpiece should be done oil removal, rust removal treatment.
2. During welding , the gas flow is generally between 20 and 25 L / min .
3. When flux-cored wire is welded, the dry elongation should be 15 ~ 25 mm.
4. Welding wire warehouse humidity should be maintained no more than 60%.
5. Non-vacuum packaging wire storage time should not exceed half a year, vacuum packaging wire storage time should not exceed one year.
E71T-1C and E71T-1M,Shielding gas designator.2 Indicates the type of shielding gas used for classification. The letter“C” indicates that the electrode is classified using 100% CO2 shielding gas. The letter “M” indicates that the electrode is classified using 75–80% Argon/balance CO2 shielding gas. When no designator appears in this position, it indicates that the electrode being classified is self-shielded and that no external shielding gas was used.
Notes:solder wire with flux
a. Sizes and net weights other than those specified may be supplied as agreed between supplier and purchaser.
b. ID = inside diameter, OD = outside diameter
c. Tolerance on net weight shall be ±10%.
d. As agreed between supplier and purchaser.
General Notes:
1.Service conditions such as immersion in fresh or salt water,exposure to specific chemicals,or asustained high temperature,aluminium welding wire for high heat(over 150F [66℃)may limit the choice of filler metals welding wire aluminium, aluminium welding wire for mig Filler metals ER5183,ER5356 welding rod,ER5556 are not recommended for sustained elevated temperature service.
2.aluminium mig welding wire recommendations in this table apply to gas shielded arc welding processes.For oxyfuel gas welding,only ER1188,ER1100,ER4043,ER4047,ER4145 filler metals are ordinarily used and aluminium welding wire specification.
3.Where no filler metal is listed,aluminum alloy welding wire ,the base metal combination is not recommended for welding
aluminium welding wire gasless.
a. ER4145 may be used for some applications to some aluminum alloy welding wire.
b. ER4047 may be used for some applications to some flux cored aluminium welding wire.
c. ER4043 may be used for some applications to some aluminium magnesium welding wire.
d. ER5183,ER5356,or ER5556 may be used to some aluminium welding wire grades.
e. ER2319 may be used for some applications.It can supply high strength when the weldment is postweld solution heat treated and aged.
f. alum.welding wire ER5183,ER5356,ER5554,ER5556,and ER5654 may be used In some cases:(1) improved color match afer anodizing treatment,(2) highest weld ductility (3) higher weld strength.ER5554 is suitable for sustained elevated temperature service.
g. alum welding wire ER4643 will provide higher strength in 1/2 in.[12mm]and thicker groove welds in 6XXX base alloys when postweld solution heat treated and aged.
h. flux core aluminum wire Filler metal with the same analysis as the base metal is sometimes used.The following wrought filler metals possess the same chemical composition limits as cast filler alloys: ER4009 and r4009 as R-C355.0;ER4010 and R4010 as R-A356.0; R4011 as R-A357.0.
i. Mig welding aluminum wire ,Base metal alloys 5254 and 5652 are used for hydrogen peroxide service.ER5654 filler metal is used for welding both alloys for service temperatures below 150F [66°℃].
j. ER1100 may be used for some applications in wire feed welding aluminum.
The first two designators may be“ER”for solid wires that may be used as electrodes or rodsor they may be“EC’for composite cored or stranded wires;or they may be“EQ”for strip electrodes.
The three- or four-digit number,such as 308 in ER308,designates the nominal chemical composition of the filler metal.
ER307.The nominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 21 Cr.9.5Ni.4 Mn.1 Mo.Filler metals .
ER308The nominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 21 Cr10 Ni.Commercial specifications is most often used to weld base metals of similar composition, in particular, Type 304.
ER308Si.This classification is the same asER308except for the higher silicon content.
ER308H.This classification is the same as ER308.except that the allowable carbon content is used for welding 304H base metal.
ER308L.This classification is the same as ER308,except for the carbon content.Low carbon,is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 308H at elevated temperatures.
ER308LMo.This classification is used for welding ASTM CF3M stainless steel castings and matches the base metal with ER316L is desired.
ER309.The nominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 24 Cr13 Ni.Filler metals.
304 and similar base metals where severe corrosion conditions exist requiring higher alloy weld metal.
ER309Si.This classification is the same as ER309,except for higher silicon content.
ER309L.This classification is the same as ER39,except for the carbon content.
ER309LS.This classification is the same as ER309Lexcent for higher sillicon content.
ER309Mo.This classification is the same as ER309except for the addition of 2.0 percent to 3.0 percent.
ER310.The nominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 26.5 Cr,21 Ni.Filler metal of this classification is most often used to weld base metals of similar composition
ER312.The nominal composition(wt.%) of this classification is 30 Cr, 9 Ni.Filler metal of this classification was originally designed to weld cast alloys of similar composition.
ER316 weld metal may occur when the following three factors co-exist:
The presence of a continuous or semicontinuous network of ferrite in the weld metal microstructurel
ER316Si.This classification is the same as ER316,except for the higher silicon content.
ER316H.This filler metal is the same as ER316,except that the allowable carbon .
ER316L.This classification is the same as ER316.except for the carbon content.
ER316LSi.This classification is the same as ER316L except for the higher silicon content.
ER317.The nominal composition(wt.%) of this classification is 19.5 Cr14 Ni3.5 Mo, higher than ER316.
ER317LThis classification is the same as ER317except for the carbon content.
ER318This composition is identical to ER316,except for the addition of niobium.
ER321Thenominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 19.5 Cr.9.5 Niwith titanium added.The titanium acts in the same way as niobium in Type 347.
ER347.The nominalcomposition(wt.%) of this classification is 20 Cr,10 Ni,with Nb added as a stabilizer.
ER347Si.This classification is the same as ER347,except for the higher silicon content.
ER409.This 12 Cr alloy(wt.%) differs from Tvpe 410 material because it has a ferritic microstructure.
ER410.This 12 Cralloy(wt.%) is an air-hardening steel.
ER410NiMo.The nominal composition(wt.%)of this classification is 12 Cr4.5 Ni.0.55 Mo.
ER430.This is a 16 Cr(wt.%) alloy.The composition is balanced by providing sufficient chromium to give adequate corrosion resistance for the usual applications.
ER439.This is an 18 Cr(wt.%) alloy that is stabilized with titanium.